Our Signature Training Program

70-hours of training that give women all the skills they need to run and win.

Our Program

The Emerge Virginia training program is a unique opportunity for Democratic women who want to run for public office. It is the only in-depth, six-month training program that inspires candidates to run and gives them the tools to win. As a program member, you will be exposed to a variety of campaign and election experts. You will meet an array of dynamic women who hold elected and appointed office. Through Emerge, you are given specific opportunities to expand your political network. As an Emerge program member, you become a part of a supportive network which includes a national network of Emerge alumnae, Emerge cabinet and advisory council members.

Our Curriculum

The class sessions will cover the following topics:

Public Speaking and Communication
Media and Messaging
Campaign Strategy
Labor and Endorsements
Technology and New Media
Cultural Competency
Ethical Leadership
Field Operations


Who Trains?

Emerge trainers are comprised of a premiere team of campaign consultants, advisors and staff from all over the country. Many of them have been involved in some of the most successful campaigns and initiatives we’ve seen in recent election cycles. They come from backgrounds that span over fundraising, direct mail, field strategy, communications, press management and campaign messaging. They have won races from the city council to the governor’s mansion.